Our new little daughter!

Our new little daughter!
Mari Elizabeth

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ratatouille - My Own Tiny Chefs

I have my own tiny chefs (ok, maybe 'little' would be a more apt description, as my children are not rodents) in the kitchen. Bremma loves to peel garlic and pulled up the stool to sit and do so. Turin wants to cut! So, pushing my 'gotta get it done fast and clean' mentality aside, we made dinner together. We had Pasta a la Priola - that is lots of vegetables from the garden saute'd with olive oil, garlic and onions. Next came the tomatoes, squash, basil and parmesan cheese. I am proud to say that my six year old son know knows the difference between fresh basil, mint and rosemary - I sent him a pickin! They even invented a dessert, without my input or help - grapes and cherries on a toothpick. Now that's fine dining. Hey, they're eating lots of fruits and veges!!