Our new little daughter!
Mari Elizabeth
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Mom wins! Ha ha!
Today was one of those fabulous days that comes so rarely that I feel the need to write it about it in order to remember it. You see, my kids were more exhausted by the end of the day than I was. In fact, I think I may have hours of energy left in me, and it is 10:22 pm. This is coming from a gal who likes to turn in at 9 pm, if I can. The kids and I went to Catholic Biblical School this morning, then ate a picnic lunch, went to the mall to make a small purchase, then to the Denver Public Library, followed by a trip to the swimming pool. Maybe this doesn't sound too impressive to you, but we were gone from 8:30 am until 8:15 pm. My two year old was grinning and singing most of the day - even without a nap. Let me just follow with a bit more explanation about the library - it is an event for us. Usually, that is the one activity that we'd go do in a day. We bring a huge stroller to carry books (and toddler!) and enough quarters for parking for 2 hours. We go to the kids' library and to various other sections of the building (it has 6 floors, I believe)- and we load up on materials. Today, the books checked out receipt was about 3' long - seriously. I am excited to start the book Eat, Pray, Love. I also found several items on Anne Boleyn and King Henry VIII, which has been a topic of interest lately. We listen to many audio lectures produced by Great Courses (lectures from highly accredited universities)and checked out the Early Middle Ages. Dear hubby called claims on that one, guess I'll listen to Ancient Egypt! And. . . a wonderful thing happened with my son - he chose his own books by reading through them, and not just relying on the pictures or asking me to read to him. Wow! Next trip he'll graduate to obtaining his own library card.